Height Converter: 5'8" (5 Feet 8 Inches) to Centimeters
172.72 cm
5'8" = 172.72 centimeters
172.72 cm
1.73 m
How to Convert 5'8" to Centimeters
Step 1: Convert Feet to Inches
5 feet = 5 × 12 = 60 inches
Step 2: Add Additional Inches
60 inches + 8 inches = 68 inches total
Step 3: Convert to Centimeters
68 inches × 2.54 = 172.72 centimeters
Quick Facts About 5'8" Height
- 5'8" is equal to 172.72 centimeters
- In meters, it's 1.7272 meters
- Total inches: 68 inches
- Common height for adults in many countries