Convert 1.25 to a Fraction Calculator


1 1/4


  1. Separate whole number: 1 and 0.25
  2. Convert decimal to fraction: 25/100
  3. Simplify fraction: 1/4
  4. Combine: 1 1/4

Understanding Decimal to Fraction Conversion

Converting decimals to fractions is a fundamental mathematical skill. Here's why 1.25 equals 1 1/4:


  1. Identify the whole number (1)
  2. Focus on the decimal (0.25)
  3. Multiply by 100 to get 25/100
  4. Simplify to 1/4
  5. Combine with whole number: 1 1/4

Common Uses:

  • Cooking measurements
  • Construction and woodworking
  • Financial calculations
  • Engineering applications