Carpet Calculator | Calculate Carpet Area and Cost - CalcDeck

Carpet Calculator

Calculate the amount and cost of carpet needed for your room

How to Use the Carpet Calculator

To accurately estimate your carpet needs:

  1. Measure your room's length and width in feet
  2. Enter the measurements in the calculator
  3. Add a waste factor (typically 10-15%)
  4. Input current carpet and padding prices

Understanding Carpet Measurements

Carpet is typically sold in square feet or square yards. Our calculator provides results in square feet for easier comparison. Remember that carpet often comes in standard widths (usually 12 feet), which may affect your final quantity needed.

Tips for Accurate Estimation

For the most accurate estimate:

  • Measure from wall to wall, not baseboard to baseboard
  • Include closets and alcoves in your measurements
  • Consider pattern matching when calculating waste factor
  • Get current local prices for the most accurate cost estimate