Daily Compound Interest Calculator Widget - Free Embed Code | CalcDeck

Daily Compound Interest Calculator Widget

Embed our powerful compound interest calculator on your website for free


How to Add This Widget to Your Website

  1. Choose your preferred widget style above
  2. Copy the generated code
  3. Paste the code into your website's HTML where you want the calculator to appear

Features & Benefits

  • Mobile-responsive design works on all devices
  • Customizable width and appearance
  • Fast loading and lightweight
  • Automatic updates and maintenance
  • No registration required
`, fixed: `
`, popup: `` }; embedCode.textContent = codes[type] || codes.responsive; } // Copy code functionality function copyCode() { const code = embedCode.textContent; navigator.clipboard.writeText(code).then(() => { const btn = document.querySelector('.copy-btn'); btn.textContent = 'Copied!'; setTimeout(() => btn.textContent = 'Copy Code', 2000); }); } // Initialize with responsive code updateEmbedCode('responsive'); // Calculator functionality document.getElementById('compound-calculator').addEventListener('submit', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); const P = parseFloat(document.getElementById('principal').value); const r = parseFloat(document.getElementById('rate').value) / 100; const t = parseFloat(document.getElementById('time').value); const n = 365; // daily compounding const amount = P * Math.pow(1 + r/n, n*t); alert(`Final Amount: $${amount.toFixed(2)}`); });