Vinyl Siding Calculator | Calculate Materials and Cost

Vinyl Siding Calculator

Calculate the materials needed for your vinyl siding project, including squares of siding, trim, and estimated costs.

How to Calculate Vinyl Siding Materials

Calculating materials for a vinyl siding project involves several key measurements and considerations:

Calculating Siding Squares

One square of vinyl siding covers 100 square feet. To calculate squares needed:

  1. Multiply wall width by height to get total square footage
  2. Subtract window and door areas
  3. Divide by 100 to get number of squares
  4. Add 10% for waste and cuts

Additional Materials

A complete vinyl siding project requires several components:

  • J-Channel: Used around windows, doors, and other openings
  • Starter Strip: Required along the bottom edge of walls
  • Corner Posts: For inside and outside corners
  • Utility Trim: For top edges and under windows
  • Fasteners: Approximately 2 pounds per square