Salary to Hourly Calculator

Convert your annual, monthly, or weekly salary to an hourly rate with this free calculator.

Hourly Rate: $0.00
Daily Rate: $0.00
Weekly Rate: $0.00
Monthly Rate: $0.00

Understanding Salary to Hourly Conversion

Converting your salary to an hourly rate helps you better understand your compensation and compare different job offers. Here's what you need to know:

How the Calculation Works

The basic formula used is: (Annual Salary) ÷ (Hours Worked Per Year) = Hourly Rate

For a typical full-time position:

  • 40 hours per week × 52 weeks = 2,080 hours per year
  • This assumes paid vacation and holidays
  • Part-time or different schedules will adjust the total hours accordingly

Important Considerations

When converting your salary to hourly pay, consider these factors:

  • Overtime eligibility and rates
  • Benefits package value (health insurance, retirement plans)
  • Paid time off and holidays
  • Tax implications