Octal to Hexadecimal Converter

Enter a valid octal number (0-7 digits only)

How to Convert Octal to Hexadecimal

Step 1: Octal to Binary

Convert each octal digit to its 3-bit binary equivalent:

  • 0โ‚ˆ = 000โ‚‚
  • 1โ‚ˆ = 001โ‚‚
  • 7โ‚ˆ = 111โ‚‚

Step 2: Binary to Hexadecimal

Group the binary digits into sets of 4 from right to left, then convert each group to its hex digit:

  • 0000โ‚‚ = 0โ‚โ‚†
  • 1111โ‚‚ = Fโ‚โ‚†