Fraction to Decimal Calculator

Enter a fraction to convert it to a decimal number.


How to Convert a Fraction to a Decimal

Converting a fraction to a decimal is a fundamental mathematical operation that follows these steps:

  1. Take the numerator (top number) of your fraction
  2. Divide it by the denominator (bottom number)
  3. The result is your decimal number

Example: Converting 9/16 to a Decimal

Let's walk through converting 9/16 to a decimal:

  • Take 9 (numerator)
  • Divide by 16 (denominator)
  • 9 ÷ 16 = 0.5625

Common Uses for Decimal Conversions

Converting fractions to decimals is useful in many real-world situations:

  • Financial calculations and money handling
  • Construction and measurements
  • Scientific calculations and data analysis
  • Computer programming and digital applications