Days Until April 15, 2025 Calculator
Calculate exactly how many days remain until Tax Day (April 15, 2025)
Time Remaining:
About April 15th Deadline
April 15th is widely known as Tax Day in the United States, marking the deadline for filing individual income tax returns with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). This date has been the standard filing deadline since 1955, though it can occasionally shift due to weekends or holidays.
Key Information
- Federal tax returns are typically due by April 15th
- If April 15th falls on a weekend or holiday, the deadline moves to the next business day
- You can request a filing extension, but payment is still due by April 15th
- Many state tax returns share this deadline
Planning Ahead
Use this calculator to help plan your tax preparation schedule. It's recommended to start gathering documents and preparing your return well before the deadline to avoid last-minute stress and potential penalties.