Tablespoon to Milliliter Converter

Understanding Tablespoon to Milliliter Conversion

Quick Conversion Facts

1 tablespoon (tbsp) equals exactly 14.7868 milliliters (mL). For cooking and general purposes, this is often rounded to 15 mL for simplicity.

Common Conversions

  • 1 tbsp = 14.79 mL
  • 2 tbsp = 29.57 mL
  • 3 tbsp = 44.36 mL
  • 4 tbsp = 59.15 mL

Practical Tips

When converting recipes between US and metric measurements, remember that U.S. tablespoons (14.79 mL) differ slightly from metric tablespoons (15 mL) used in many other countries. For most cooking purposes, this small difference won't significantly affect your recipe.