Seconds to Nanoseconds Converter
Convert time measurements from seconds (s) to nanoseconds (ns) with this free calculator
About Seconds to Nanoseconds Conversion
A nanosecond (ns) represents one billionth (10⁻⁹) of a second, making it an incredibly small unit of time. To convert from seconds to nanoseconds, multiply the number of seconds by 1,000,000,000 (one billion).
Conversion Formula
Nanoseconds = Seconds × 1,000,000,000
Common Conversions
- 1 second = 1,000,000,000 nanoseconds
- 0.5 seconds = 500,000,000 nanoseconds
- 0.1 seconds = 100,000,000 nanoseconds
Uses of Nanoseconds
Nanoseconds are commonly used in:
- Computer processor speeds and operations
- Scientific measurements and experiments
- High-precision timing in electronics
- Light travel time calculations