Quart to Cubic Inch Converter

Convert liquid quarts (qt) to cubic inches (in³) instantly


How to Convert Quarts to Cubic Inches

To convert from quarts (qt) to cubic inches (in³), multiply your quart value by 57.75. This conversion factor is based on the standard US liquid quart.

Formula: Cubic Inches = Quarts × 57.75

Example Calculation

To convert 5 quarts to cubic inches:
5 qt × 57.75 = 288.75 in³

Common Conversions

  • 1 quart = 57.75 cubic inches
  • 2 quarts = 115.5 cubic inches
  • 3 quarts = 173.25 cubic inches
  • 4 quarts (1 gallon) = 231 cubic inches