PSF to PSI Calculator: Convert Pounds per Square Foot to Pounds per Square Inch
3.472222 PSI
How to Convert PSF to PSI
PSI = PSF ÷ 144
What is PSF (Pounds per Square Foot)?
PSF is a unit of pressure equal to one pound-force per square foot. It's commonly used in construction and engineering for load calculations.
What is PSI (Pounds per Square Inch)?
PSI measures pressure as pound-force per square inch. It's widely used in various applications from tire pressure to industrial processes.
Common PSF to PSI Conversions
- 100 PSF = 0.694444 PSI
- 500 PSF = 3.472222 PSI
- 1000 PSF = 6.944444 PSI
- 2000 PSF = 13.888889 PSI