Pint to Cubic Foot Converter
Conversion Formula
To convert from pints to cubic feet, multiply the volume by 0.01671:
Cubic Feet = Pints × 0.01671
About Volume Conversion
What is a Pint?
A US liquid pint is a unit of volume equal to:
- 1/8 of a gallon
- 1/2 of a quart
- 2 cups
- 16 fluid ounces
What is a Cubic Foot?
A cubic foot (ft³) represents the volume of a cube that measures one foot on each side. It's commonly used in:
- Construction and building materials
- Shipping and storage calculations
- HVAC and ventilation systems
- Swimming pool measurements
Note: This converter uses US liquid pints. Imperial pints and US dry pints have different conversion factors.