Ounce to Tablespoon Butter Converter

Convert butter measurements from ounces (oz) to tablespoons (tbsp) with this free calculator.

2 tablespoons

Common Butter Conversions

Converting Butter: Ounces to Tablespoons

Quick Conversion Formula

To convert ounces of butter to tablespoons, use this simple formula:

Tablespoons = Ounces × 2

Common Butter Measurements

  • 1 stick of butter = 8 tablespoons = 4 ounces = ¼ pound
  • 1 pound of butter = 32 tablespoons = 16 ounces = 4 sticks
  • ½ cup of butter = 8 tablespoons = 4 ounces = 1 stick

Baking Tips

  • 🧊 Use cold butter for flaky pastries
  • 🌡️ Room temperature butter is best for creaming
  • 📏 Mark measurements on wrapper before cutting