Milliliter to Pound Converter
Convert Milliliters (mL) to Pounds (lb)
Understanding Milliliter to Pound Conversion
Converting milliliters (mL) to pounds (lb) requires knowing the density of the liquid being measured, as the weight will vary depending on the substance. For water at room temperature (4°C):
- 1 milliliter of water = 0.002205 pounds
- 1000 milliliters (1 liter) of water = 2.20462 pounds
Common Conversions
Here are some common milliliter to pound conversions for water:
- 100 mL = 0.220462 lb
- 250 mL = 0.551156 lb
- 500 mL = 1.10231 lb
- 750 mL = 1.65347 lb
Important Notes
Remember that this converter assumes you're converting water at room temperature. Different liquids will have different weights for the same volume due to their different densities.