MPGe to Miles per Kilowatt-Hour Converter | CalcDeck

MPGe to Miles per Kilowatt-Hour Converter

2.967 mi/kWh

Understanding MPGe and Miles per Kilowatt-Hour

What is MPGe?

Miles Per Gallon Equivalent (MPGe) is the EPA's official metric for measuring an electric vehicle's energy efficiency. It represents how far an EV can travel using the amount of electricity that contains the same energy as one gallon of gasoline.

Conversion Formula

To convert from MPGe to miles per kilowatt-hour (mi/kWh), use this formula:

mi/kWh = MPGe ÷ 33.705

This conversion factor (33.705) represents the energy content of one gallon of gasoline in kilowatt-hours, as defined by the EPA.

Why This Matters

Understanding both MPGe and mi/kWh helps consumers:

  • Compare efficiency between different electric vehicles
  • Estimate charging costs more accurately
  • Calculate range based on battery capacity