MPGe to kWh/100km Converter

Convert Miles per Gallon Gasoline Equivalent to Kilowatt-Hours per 100 Kilometers

41.89 kWh/100km

Understanding MPGe and kWh/100km

What is MPGe?

Miles Per Gallon equivalent (MPGe) is the EPA's standard measure for comparing electric vehicles' energy efficiency to gas-powered cars. One MPGe represents the distance a vehicle can travel using the amount of electricity containing the same energy as one gallon of gasoline (33.7 kWh).

What is kWh/100km?

Kilowatt-hours per 100 kilometers (kWh/100km) is the metric standard for measuring electric vehicle energy consumption. It represents how many kilowatt-hours of electricity a vehicle uses to travel 100 kilometers.

Conversion Formula

kWh/100km = 3370.5 ÷ 1.609344 ÷ MPGe

Quick Reference:
  • 120 MPGe ≈ 17.45 kWh/100km
  • 100 MPGe ≈ 20.94 kWh/100km
  • 80 MPGe ≈ 26.18 kWh/100km