Microsiemens to Micromhos Converter
Convert electrical conductance from microsiemens (μS) to micromhos (μ℧)
1 μ℧
Understanding Microsiemens and Micromhos
Conversion Formula
Micromhos (μ℧) = Microsiemens (μS) × 1
What is a Microsiemens (μS)?
A microsiemens is an SI unit of electrical conductance equal to 10⁻⁶ siemens. It measures how easily electric current flows through a material. One microsiemens represents conductance that allows one microampere of current to flow when one volt is applied.
What is a Micromho (μ℧)?
A micromho is an older unit of electrical conductance that is exactly equal to one microsiemens. The term comes from "mho," which is "ohm" spelled backward, as conductance is the reciprocal of resistance (measured in ohms).
Common Applications
These units are commonly used in:
- Measuring water purity and mineral content
- Testing semiconductor materials
- Analyzing soil conductivity
- Evaluating electronic component properties