Megaelectronvolt to Megawatt-Hour Converter
About MeV to MWh Conversion
What is a Megaelectronvolt (MeV)?
A megaelectronvolt (MeV) is a unit of energy equal to one million electronvolts. It's commonly used in nuclear physics and particle physics to measure the energy of subatomic particles and radiation.
What is a Megawatt-Hour (MWh)?
A megawatt-hour (MWh) is a unit of energy equal to 1,000 kilowatt-hours or 3.6 gigajoules. It's commonly used to measure large amounts of electrical energy, particularly in power generation and industrial applications.
Conversion Formula
To convert from MeV to MWh, use the following formula:
MWh = MeV × 4.4505E-23