Kilograms to Stones Converter

Convert weight measurements from kilograms (kg) to stones (st) and pounds (lb)


11 st 0 lb

Quick Conversion Facts

  • 1 Kilogram = 0.157473 Stones
  • 1 Stone = 6.35029 Kilograms
  • 1 Stone = 14 Pounds

Understanding Weight Conversion

What is a Stone?

A stone (st) is a unit of weight commonly used in the United Kingdom and Ireland. One stone equals exactly 14 pounds (lb) or approximately 6.35029 kilograms (kg). This traditional measurement is particularly popular for expressing body weight in these countries.

Why Convert Between Kilograms and Stones?

Converting between kilograms and stones is essential when communicating weight measurements internationally or when working with different measurement systems. While kilograms are the standard metric unit used globally, stones remain common in British and Irish contexts, especially in healthcare and fitness settings.