Kilocalorie to Megacalorie Converter

Convert kilocalories (kcal) to megacalories (Mcal) instantly

2.000 Mcal

Understanding Kilocalories and Megacalories

Conversion Formula

1 Megacalorie = 1,000 Kilocalories

Mcal = kcal ÷ 1,000

What is a Kilocalorie (kcal)?

A kilocalorie is a unit of energy equal to 1,000 calories. It's commonly used in nutrition and food science, where it's often simply called a "calorie." One kilocalorie represents the amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of one kilogram of water by one degree Celsius at atmospheric pressure.

What is a Megacalorie (Mcal)?

A megacalorie is equal to 1,000 kilocalories or 1,000,000 calories. This unit is primarily used in industrial and scientific applications where larger amounts of energy need to be measured. It's particularly useful in engineering and large-scale energy calculations.

Common Applications