Gigaohm to Megaohm Converter
Convert electrical resistance from gigaohms (GΩ) to megaohms (MΩ)
1,000 MΩ
How to Convert Gigaohms to Megaohms
To convert from gigaohms (GΩ) to megaohms (MΩ), multiply the number of gigaohms by 1,000. This is because 1 gigaohm equals 1,000 megaohms.
Megaohms = Gigaohms × 1,000
Example Calculation
Convert 5 gigaohms to megaohms:
- 5 GΩ = 5 × 1,000
- 5 GΩ = 5,000 MΩ
Common Conversions
Gigaohms (GΩ) | Megaohms (MΩ) |
1 GΩ | 1,000 MΩ |
2 GΩ | 2,000 MΩ |
5 GΩ | 5,000 MΩ |
10 GΩ | 10,000 MΩ |