Gigahenry to Megahenry Converter

About Gigahenry to Megahenry Conversion

Conversion Formula

1 Gigahenry (GH) = 1,000 Megahenries (MH)

To convert: Megahenries = Gigahenries × 1,000

What is a Gigahenry?

A gigahenry (GH) is a unit of electrical inductance equal to one billion (109) henries. It's commonly used in electrical engineering for measuring large inductances in power systems and high-energy physics applications.

What is a Megahenry?

A megahenry (MH) represents one million (106) henries. It's frequently used for measuring significant inductances in power transmission systems and large electromagnetic devices.

Common Applications

  • Power grid transformers
  • Large electromagnetic systems
  • Particle accelerator magnets
  • High-power electrical filters