Year Converter Calculator

Days: 365.2425
Months: 12
Weeks: 52.177457
Hours: 8,765.82

Understanding Year Conversions

A year is the time it takes for Earth to complete one orbit around the Sun, approximately 365.2425 days. This calendar year is fundamental to how we measure time and organize our lives.

Key Year Conversion Facts

One year consists of:

  • 365.2425 days (accounting for leap years)
  • 12 months
  • 52.177457 weeks
  • 8,765.82 hours
  • 525,949.2 minutes
  • 31,556,952 seconds

About Leap Years

A leap year occurs every four years, adding an extra day (February 29) to keep our calendar aligned with Earth's orbit. This calculator uses the precise value of 365.2425 days per year to account for leap years in its conversions.