Ounce (oz) Converter Calculator

Pounds (lb)
Grams (g)
Kilograms (kg)
Milligrams (mg)

Understanding Ounces (oz)

An ounce (abbreviated as oz) is a unit of weight in the imperial and US customary systems. One ounce is precisely equal to 1/16 of a pound or approximately 28.349523 grams in the metric system.

Common Uses of Ounces

  • Food and recipe measurements
  • Precious metals (using troy ounces)
  • Postal and shipping weights
  • Personal care products

Quick Conversion Guide

1 ounce = 28.349523 grams
1 ounce = 0.0625 pounds
1 ounce = 437.5 grains
1 ounce = 0.028349523 kilograms


Don't confuse regular ounces (weight) with fluid ounces (volume). While they share the same name, they measure different properties. This calculator is specifically for weight ounces.