Henry (H) Converter Calculator

Convert Henries to Other Inductance Units

Millihenries (mH)
Microhenries (µH)
Nanohenries (nH)

About the Henry Unit

The henry (H) is the SI unit of electrical inductance, named after American scientist Joseph Henry. One henry represents the inductance of a circuit in which an electromotive force of one volt is produced when the current varies at a rate of one ampere per second.

Common Conversions

  • 1 H = 1,000 mH (millihenries)
  • 1 H = 1,000,000 µH (microhenries)
  • 1 H = 1,000,000,000 nH (nanohenries)

Practical Applications

Henries are commonly used in electronics and electrical engineering to measure inductance in components like transformers, inductors, and chokes. The unit is essential for calculating impedance in AC circuits and designing power supplies.