Feet to Meters Converter
Convert lengths from feet to meters quickly and accurately
1 foot = 0.3048 meters
How to Convert Feet to Meters
meters = feet × 0.3048
Understanding the Conversion
Converting from feet to meters is straightforward using the conversion factor of 0.3048. This number comes from the international standard definition where 1 foot equals exactly 0.3048 meters.
Common Conversions
- 1 foot = 0.3048 meters
- 5 feet = 1.524 meters
- 10 feet = 3.048 meters
Tips for Accurate Conversion
For quick mental calculations, you can approximate by dividing the number of feet by 3. While not exact, this gives you a rough estimate of the length in meters. For precise measurements, always use the exact conversion factor of 0.3048.