Fluid Ounces to Milligrams Converter

29,573.53 mg
Milligrams (mg)

Understanding Fluid Ounces to Milligrams Conversion

Converting between fluid ounces (volume) and milligrams (mass) requires knowing the density of the substance. The formula is:

Milligrams = Fluid Ounces × 29,573.53 × Density (g/mL)

Common Substance Densities

  • 💧 Water: 1.00 g/mL
  • 🥛 Milk: 1.03 g/mL
  • 🛢️ Cooking Oil: 0.88 g/mL
  • 🌾 All Purpose Flour: 0.53 g/mL
  • 🧂 Granulated Sugar: 0.85 g/mL