Beer to Beer Barrel Converter

Convert Standard Beers (12 fl oz) to Beer Barrels (BBL)

0.003024 BBL

About Beer Barrel Measurements

What is a Beer Barrel (BBL)?

A beer barrel (BBL) is a standard unit of measurement used in the brewing industry, equal to 31 US gallons or 3,968 fluid ounces. This measurement is commonly used for commercial brewing and distribution.

Common Beer Barrel Sizes

  • Full Barrel: 31 gallons (3,968 fl oz)
  • Half Barrel: 15.5 gallons (1,984 fl oz)
  • Quarter Barrel: 7.75 gallons (992 fl oz)
  • Sixth Barrel: 5.17 gallons (661 fl oz)

Conversion Formula

To convert from standard 12 fl oz beers to beer barrels (BBL), multiply the number of beers by 0.003024. This conversion factor comes from dividing 12 fl oz by 3,968 fl oz (1 BBL).