Abcoulomb to Coulomb Converter

Convert electric charge from abcoulombs (abC) to coulombs (C)

1 abC = 10 C

Understanding Abcoulombs and Coulombs

Conversion Formula

Coulombs = Abcoulombs × 10

What is an Abcoulomb?

An abcoulomb (abC) is a CGS electromagnetic unit of electric charge. One abcoulomb equals the amount of electric charge transported by a current of one abampere in one second. It's equivalent to 10 coulombs in the SI system.

What is a Coulomb?

A coulomb (C) is the SI unit of electric charge. It's defined as the amount of electric charge transported by a current of one ampere in one second. The relationship can be expressed as:

QC = IA × ts

Common Applications